Satisfaction and motivation
Employees not only drive the implementation of our business strategy but also represent the Group externally. Employee satisfaction and motivation are of decisive importance for the long-term success of the company.
The modern professional world is developing rapidly, requiring a high level of flexibility and adaptability from Lalique Group and our employees. The acquisition of new skills and expertise, including obtaining additional qualifications, has a positive effect on the individual performance, motivation and employability of staff at all levels of the company.

Responsibility and prospects
Lalique Group is conscious of its responsibilities towards its own employees and society as a whole. To create first-class products, the Group is dependent on the experience, expertise and dedication of its employees. To attract and retain the necessary talent, the Group strives to offer employees fair and attractive working conditions.

Health and safety
At all Group production facilities, measures are taken to promote and protect the health and safety of employees. To ensure that employees remain fit, healthy and motivated over the long term, Lalique Group attaches great importance to the early identification and prevention of potential health and safety issues.

Nurturing young talent and training opportunities
Highly specific skills and knowhow are required for the manufacture of crystal. Over a decade ago, the Group began developing a dedicated internal training course – referred to as “École Lalique” – in collaboration with the French government agency “Pôle Emploi” and other public training and employment agencies located in the Alsace region.
The aim of this training course is to teach and pass on the highly specialized knowhow required to make handcrafted crystalware. At any one time, École Lalique trains up to ten young people in the art and craft of glassmaking. This specialist training has already proven successful: One of our trainees was awarded the title of “Meilleur Ouvrier de France” (Best Craftsman in France). A total of seven Lalique Group craftsmen bear this title in recognition of their exceptional skills in glass manufacturing.