Environment and resources Mobile

Environment and Resources

Environment and resources

Relevance and goals

Lalique Group considers climate change to be one of the key indicators of the overexploitation and depletion of resources in today’s world. The Group has therefore adopted various measures to reduce the impacts of its operations on the environment and climate. The Group has a direct impact on the climate primarily through the types of energy used at its production facilities. Lalique Group can lower its emissions of greenhouse gases by reducing its reliance on fossil energy sources and increasing energy efficiency.

Lalique Group uses packaging to protect its products. However, this packaging is only used once and is subsequently disposed of as waste. The Group has therefore adopted an “Avoid, reduce and reuse” approach wherever packaging is used – i.e. in production, logistics and as part of its sales operations. Its Product Development and Purchasing departments are focusing increasingly on the use of lighter packaging materials made from sustainable materials with a high recycling component.

Fresh water is a valuable resource. The manufacture of crystal requires large volumes of water. Lalique Group is promoting sustainable practices in its consumption of water to preserve the quality and availability of this vital resource in the long term. Regulations to protect drinking water and conserve resources are steadily increasing in all the countries where Lalique operates. There are also increasing requirements regarding water abstraction and the pre-treatment of wastewater.

To further reduce its impact on the environment, Lalique Group is increasingly switching to the use of electric vehicles wherever possible. At The Glenturret, for example, the Group is seeking a viable alternative to the fossil fuel-powered vehicles currently used on site.

The three Lalique hotels and restaurants in France and the recently opened Lalique restaurant at The Glenturret in Scotland also strive to make efficient use of raw materials and foodstuffs in order to have the smallest possible environmental footprint.

The Group assesses its progress in the implementation of its measures and the realization of its targets relating to energy usage, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and waste disposal at regular intervals each year. The findings of these evaluations will support the further optimization of the Group’s energy and water management and help to reduce process water output.

For the Group, sustainable water management involves analysing and optimizing operations to ensure the efficient consumption of water.