Lalique Group announces preliminary figures for the 2023 financial year

March 20, 2024AD HOC
MEDIA RELEASE – Ad hoc announcement pursuant to Art. 53 LR
Zurich, 20 March 2024 – Lalique Group SA (SIX: LLQ), which is active in the creation, development, marketing and global distribution of luxury goods, today announced its preliminary, unaudited figures for the 2023 financial year. Operating revenue rose by around 5% compared to 2022 to approximately EUR 179.2 million. EBIT totalled around EUR 7.0 million, with an EBIT margin of around 3.9%.
Lalique Group recorded solid growth in sales in the 2023 financial year, reflecting contributions from all of its business segments. After challenging market conditions and a difficult production environment, especially in the first half of 2023, the performance of the business improved in the seasonally stronger second half of the year, although the shortfall against plan from the first six months could not be fully compensated. In total, the Group generated operating revenue of around EUR 179.2 million. This corresponds to slightly below-guidance sales growth of around 5% compared to 2022, which benefited from the post-pandemic upturn. Excluding the previously announced extraordinary income of EUR 1.7 million in 2022, operating revenue in 2023 increased by around 6%.
Developments on the cost side in 2023 mainly reflect general inflation and higher energy costs; Lalique Group was able to partly offset these effects through price increases, albeit with a certain delay. In addition, Lalique Group made further targeted investments in hiring as well as in marketing and sales activities. Personnel costs rose by around 12% year-on-year to approximately EUR 46.9 million. Other operating expenses totalled around EUR 32.3 million, corresponding to an increase of around 16%. At approximately EUR 13.6 million, depreciation and amortization were around 13% lower than in the prior year.
Earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) totalled around EUR 7.0 million in 2023, compared to EUR 13.2 million in the prior year. In line with guidance, the EBIT margin was approximately 3.9%, compared to 7.7% in the previous year, or 6.8% excluding the extraordinary income recognized in 2022.
The complete final audited figures for the 2023 financial year as well as the outlook for 2024 will be published by Lalique Group on 17 April 2024.